May, 2019 | Edgewater Med Spa - Part 2 May, 2019 | Edgewater Med Spa - Part 2

Liposuction Case Study Before and After Photos

New technologies in Liposuction offer outstanding results with minimal bruising and recovery time. SmartLipo™ is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted lipolysis procedure that removes unwanted fat from targeted body areas. At the same time the procedure promotes tissue...

How long does Laser Tattoo Removal take

It seemed like a good idea at the time, right? But now that tattoo is just a reminder of something (or someone) you’d rather forget. Now that the memory has faded, it’s time to fade that tattoo and get it laser removed. While estimates show more than 10 million...

How much swelling can you get from lip injections?

Depending on the area injected and filler used, swelling can vary anywhere from 2-7 days. Typically, 20-30% of the swelling should subide within 48 hours. The doctor will recommend avoiding strenuous activity or exercise for the first few days, ice, and Arnica tablets...

What should I expect after my Tattoo Removal procedure?

On average, your skin will need about 10-14 days to heal after your tattoo removal procedure. It is not uncommon to experience redness, mild swelling, and tenderness in the area treated. Don’t be alarmed if the treated area begins to blister, itch, or have slight...