FAQ | Edgewater Med Spa - Part 3 FAQ | Edgewater Med Spa - Part 3

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a revolutionary treatment that utilizes ultrasonic energy to help tighten the skin in deeper levels to create a nice lift.

How do you threads work?

Threads are made of different types of surgical sutures, one of the most commonly used is PDO or polydixone. They are commonly used to lift the face last up to 18 months with great results.

Which treatment do you use for necklace lines?

Necklace lines or “tech neck” is a problematic area of the neck that shows as horizontal wrinkles. I like to fill these lines with Belotero and then consider doing laser, micro dermabrasion, micro needling, or chemical peels afterwards for the best results.

What is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a liquid nitrogen treatment that’s applied to areas of pigmentation or small skin tags. This freezes the target cells which then die off and fall off the skin surface. A great treatment with minimal downtime.